How to tell that Jesus has first place in a life

Last night I read the text of this morning’s Sunday School lessons in the upper classes in our congregation: Colossians 1:9-29. The title of the lesson is “The Preeminence of Christ.”

I had two basic questions:

  • How do I know — show, if you will — that Christ truly is preeminent in me?
  • How is Christ preeminent in my church? (What does that look like, as “they” say?)

Those give the same fundamental question different phrasing. I leave the question and its answers hanging here. Continue reading

Get it right or go forever wrong!

What is your cause in life?

OK, a person can have multiple causes to guide and define his living. Got it.

What is the primary cause in your life?

I’m not asking what it should be. Nor am I asking what you would like for it to be. I’m asking you what it is. No, actually, I’m asking more than that. I’m asking what cause has given direction and purpose and definition to your life for the last six months (at least).

This morning I got to thinking about this because of this fragment in the Scripture reading by one of our congregation’s ministers: “Is there not a cause?” (1 Samuel 17:29).

That’s a question to search my heart, a question by which to evaluate my life! Continue reading
