No! Such evil beings of pure evil want only your total subjugation.

Do not make peace with any demon

Resist demons, don’t negotiate with them!

Peace with demons means they’ve won.

Peace with demons is only an illusion, if even that. Demons always intend evil. Demons will always harass and oppress. Any peace with demons assumes trust in treacherous beings.

I refuse to make peace with any demons.

“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

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Shouldn't people reap what they sow?!

Some folks live by a twisted Golden Rule that does to others as others have done to them.

It’s an easy trap to fall into, even for parents, missionaries, bishops, and school teachers.

When people plant bad seed by doing something against me, why should I not contribute to the bad harvest awaiting them?

And why should they not get what they deserve?

Where is the justice in the Golden Rule?

For reference, here is what Jesus said:

“And as ye would that men should do to you,
do ye also to them likewise.”

(Luke 6:31)

So…what’s so great about that? Why should I not do to others as they’ve already done to me? Continue reading
