Proverbs 13:13-35

That’s what I want!

I don’t want to be stubborn.

Or close-minded.

Or arrogant.

Or hard.

Or insensitive.

Or unapproachable.

Or incorrigible.

Or defensive.

Or self-justifying.

Do you?

So how do you and I respond to instruction and reproof?

How do we take correction and discipline?

“Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured” (18).

Like I said, I want an open, tender heart…toward instruction…and toward reproof.

So when you see me in the wrong, please correct me.

Tell me the right way to be and the right way to live.

Do not let me continue in my error!

[A faithful ambassador is health (Proverbs 13:17)]
from Proverbs 13:17

A little bit more from Proverbs 13: What Is Your Lot?

Proverbs 11.1-11

That’s how it works.

I know from experience.

Too bad.

I could have avoided it by paying heed to warnings like this one:

“When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom” (2).

Pride in family.

Pride in experience.

Pride in knowledge.

Pride in position.

Pride in accomplishemnt.

Pride in ability.

Pride in recognition.

Pride in identity.

Pride in service.

Pride in vision.

I wonder how long the list could become?

How long is your list?

Even it only has one point, it’s too long.


The shame is heavy.

And dark.

And crushing.

And bitter.

But if the end result is lowliness, then God be praised.

That is a good silver lining.

[A just weight is his delight (Proverbs 11:1)]
from Proverbs 11:1

A little bit more from Proverbs 11: Good Citizenship
