A few nuggets from Ecclesiastes 5:1-17

1 — As Moses and Joshua had to “keep their feet” on holy ground, so should I as I consciously walk in God’s presence.

1 — Let me have a listening ear before God.

2 — When I speak to God, let me do so with my heart and mind fully engaged.

3 — As sleep comes from hard work, so foolishness comes from many words. I churn out many words…

4 — When I tell God I’ll do something, let me be faithful and prompt in the doing.

5 — A promise unmade is superior to a commitment unkept. Parents, see to keeping those promises you made to your children.

6 — The tongue is as a rudder, James told us. Make the heart right and the tongue will be right, Jesus told us, for the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart. Continue reading

He had a zeal for accomplishing the Father's purposes for Him.

In preparation for tomorrow’s international standard lesson for Sunday School from Isaiah 61 and Luke 4, consider these additional nuggets:

Has Jesus accomplished His ministry in you?

The Gospel is solely for those who know they cannot earn it and thus depend completely on the help and mercy of Another.

God wishes to see His mission accomplished through us; He has no desire for or pleasure in our failure.

Jesus meets the needs of those who receive Him. That is the Gospel we receive; that is the Gospel we offer.

Jesus Defines His Ministry

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