Genesis 15:1-6,17-21 -- When God promises, have faith and be faithful!

Abram had to believe God in order to choose to leave the known for the unknown. In other words, Abram had to believe in order to obey faithfully. Faith and faithfulness are inseparable. Faith always produces faithfulness. And faithful obedience always leads to greater faith.

Such faith in God put Abram in right standing with God. “And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness” (Genesis 15:6). God saw Abram’s faith as righteousness.

Now think about this: Abram’s righteousness by faith happened long before the Law. Continue reading

Too bad it never crossed my mind to ask Him!

“Is Mark Roth here tonight?”

The moderator of our evening church service this past Sunday scanned the audience.

He couldn’t see me. I didn’t help him. I sat still, blending in as well as any bald guy could. I was very tired after chairing a long Board meeting that ended shortly before the service began.

He still didn’t see me. I still didn’t help him.

But my wife raised her hand and pointed at me. 😯

The moderator (a former student of mine, I might append) called me up front with instructions to talk about nonresistance.

Impromptu. Spur of the moment. No advance warning. No notes. No thinking time.

I walked up front slowly, giving myself some extra moments to think. Continue reading
