Trust and commitment for the COVID-19 pandemic...and always


My Mom is pretty sharp. She made up a Bible verse acrostic to help herself and others reflect from the Psalms during this coronavirus pandemic. I’m impressed by her work. (I’m sure Dad would be properly proud of her.) I hope I’m still doing this well should I ever reach 87.5 years of age.

Commit thy way unto the Lord (Psalm 37:5).
O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee (Psalm 5:3).
Rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God (Psalm 62:7).
Oh how great is thy goodness (Psalm 31:19).
Nevertheless I am continually with thee (Psalm 73:23).
As for God, his way is perfect (Psalm 18:30).
Voice of thanksgiving, and tell all thy wondrous works (Psalm 26:7).
I will love thee, O Lord, my strength (Psalm 18:1).
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him (Psalm 37:7).
Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks (Psalm 75:1).
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me (Psalm 23:6).

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Notes from my brief public devotional in Psalm 119:105-112

Psalm 119:105-112 was my early morning reading this past Sunday (May 5, 2019).

I knew I was on to have the evening devotional in our home church. I decided I would use this passage. I also decided I would just wing my public commentary based on my early morning thoughts (an approach that’s very out of the ordinary for me).

I had a Mission Board meeting to attend that afternoon, so I went early and spent some time rereading the passage and gathering my thoughts better.

Well, it was a relatively short meeting and I got home much earlier than I had anticipated. I decided to quickly “pencil out” a few notes for myself.

That evening, after some introductory comments regarding this particular Psalm, I read Psalm 119:105-112: Continue reading