But modeling what you teach is still extremely important.

Did you know Moses was a father?

Yeah, it’s easy to forget that Moses and his Midianite wife had two sons.

Can you name them? Probably not.

And even if you could, you couldn’t say much about them. The Bible tells us very little about them. We don’t know their deeds, their values, and their destinies.

We could be forgiven for assuming they didn’t follow in their father’s steps very far. Continue reading

Bible Conference 2014 -- Hopewell Mennonite Church

One quote each from yesterday morning’s speakers, given in the order in which they were received…

“Be an example even though you are young.” –Andy Roth

“God’s kingdom suffers while my kingdom is built.” –Wayne Miller

“What is more compelling to us than the voice of God?” –Kenley Miller

“God’s Word does things in people’s lives” –John Coblentz

Our conference started Friday evening and ends this evening.