I must make my peace with them to make peace with them!

Of what spirit am I?

If it be possible,
as much as lieth in you,
live peaceably with all men.”

Romans 12:18

In the world, the believer faces (or at times causes) conflict with others in the church or even in society in general.

Whether aggressor or target (no, that’s not the same as victim!), we Christians can change the trajectory of such encounters by choosing peace, meekness, and forgiveness.

Lord, teach us
to seek peace
by reconciliation
through deeds of kindness and love.

I agree with that prayer. But I want more than deeds! I want a meek spirit. I want a forgiving spirit. I want a peaceable, peacemaking spirit.

But my humanity gets in the way. So before I can use meekness and forgiveness to make peace, I need to embrace them. I need to quit fighting meekness and forgiveness. I need to join myself to them. I need to make my peace with both of them.

[Peace (1 Thessalonians 1:1)]
Spines or flowers — which am I?

Well, here’s a related something Continue reading

How people struggle with assurance of salvation!

Perhaps you yourself doubt, groaning, “Do I really belong to God’s family?”

I do not believe there exists any significant difference between being saved and staying saved. Salvation is always by Jesus Christ. That truth remains unchanged regardless which side of the cross we live on. Only faith in Jesus will save us; only faith in Jesus will keep us. None of my works brought me into salvation, and none of my works will keep me in salvation. Christ, and Christ alone, is all I need.

Does that mean faith is the sum total of salvation and of being sure I’m saved? No! If faith alone will open Heaven to us, the object of our faith would be immaterial. We could hold the Islamic faith or adhere to Judaism or revere our great-grandmother’s slipper or belong to a conservative Mennonite church…and boldly gain access to the heavenly kingdom. But it isn’t that way!

Faith in Christ is the essence and fulness of our redemption and of our certainty of being saved. Continue reading