
Psalm 9

“I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works” (1).

All of them? Every last one of them? 😯

I won’t even try.

But I will itemize ten of them here.

  1. I slept last night and my body continued working automatically.
  2. As I write, it is dark outside…just like it’s supposed to be right now at this time of year in this part of the world.
  3. God’s mercy still “works” — I’m still alive.
  4. We have godly friends.
  5. Ruby and I have not divorced, even after all these 29 years.
  6. Our vehicles are old and well past their retirement age, but they continue to carry us about.
  7. The Internet exists.
  8. All those God wants in power are still in power; all others aren’t.
  9. Yesterday I fell far short (again) of doing what needed to be done…but I get another opportunity today.
  10. I am less abrasive than I used to be.

What do you have to add?

[The Scriptures say in Psalm 9:10 -- And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee]

from Psalm 9:10

What to do instead of fretting at the offenses I've suffered

Psalm 37:1-11

For some reason, I awoke with old hurts and unresolved injustices rooting around in my head.

And for some other reason, I ended up in Psalm 37 for my morning reading:

“Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity” (Psalm 37:1).

Instead of that, this: Continue reading