Proverbs 3:27-35

Sometimes — oftentimes, it seems — we humans take personally a wrong (real or imagined) done against another. Even though no harm has been done to us, we take personal offense. We may feel insulted, angry, hurt, bitter, and/or who knows what else. We may even enter into a conflict that is not our own at all.

I thought of that when I read verse 30 this morning:

“Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.”

I thought of a woman who got very angry with me even though I had done her no wrong. She ended up entering into strife with no personal cause at all.

I see that quite clearly. Just as I see that obeying this verse would have helped her avoid problems for herself as well as would have helped her avoid causing further problems for others.

Alas, I don’t see matters quite as clearly when I am the one taking up somebody else’s offense.

Let me see clearly the next time I’m inclined to strive with somebody without cause!

God calls His people to graceful, godly peacemaking — not to angry meddling and strife.

I want to be a peacemaker!

[His secret is with the righteous (Proverbs 3:32)]

from Proverbs 3:32

A little bit more from Proverbs 3: Are They Blessed in My House?

Proverbs 3:13-26

Some things are important enough to grab hold of and enjoy before letting go.

Other things are of such importance and value that, once they are acquired, they should not be let go.

Wisdom is in that latter category:

“She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her” (18).

Like a mature, healthy, fruitful tree, wisdom gives and gives and gives to those who find her and possess her.

Those who have wisdom are blessed (“happy,” said the KJV translators).

I believe that.



Then what will I do today to pursue and possess wisdom?

[Her ways are ways of pleasantness (Proverbs 3:17)]

from Proverbs 3:17

A little bit more from Proverbs 3: Keep Sound Wisdom and Discretion
