This morning I mixed my coffee and sugar into hot water and added some milk. Because I wanted to taste something good.

I could have used leftover dishwater, I suppose, but I wasn’t interested in tasting something less than good. Far less. Not at all.

Jesus seems to rebuke Peter for tasting something far less than good. Listen:

“Thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of Satan” (Mark 8:33).


(Would I want Jesus to set me straight like that?)

What am I choosing to taste?

Oh, in case you’re wondering how the title relates, here’s my translation from the Spanish:

“You don’t put your sight on the things of God, but on those of men.”

Every day has its discoveries. Each day has things waiting to be found, to be noticed.

One thing I found yesterday was an act of thoughtfulness from one of my children toward another. That encouraged my father-heart.

What will I find today?

The answer partly depends on what I look for!

“And when they saw . . . they found fault” (Mark 7:2).

What an easy thing to do.

And awful, too. Discovering fault in someone or what they do is hardly a source of true blessing for the fault finder.

May God deliver me from a fault-finding disposition.
