Reading: Luke 3:21-38
This is a difficult portion to read without having the mind glaze over and wander. (I suppose it would be much more interesting if I could quickly associate a little personal history with each name.)
“And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli” (23).
Then it struck me: Jesus is one end and Adam is the other.
Jesus fathered no sons. No children at all, in fact. He left no physical line of descendants. The geneology is closed and final. No more sons.
That was the plan.
Being human with all the accompanying needs, drives and emotions, I don’t doubt Jesus was tempted to adapt (that is, abandon) the original plan. But He didn’t, even though surely there were times He really wanted a wife and a child. Or at least a woman.
So this difficult reading leads me to further gratitude for Jesus’ self-denial.
For me.
What (and how much) would I give up for Him?
Will my gratitude go that deep?