Reading: Luke 5:17-39

Visible faith? Visible faith?


“And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee” (20).

Faith is visible because faith works. And works are visible.

When I read that verse, I had to ask myself something along these lines: “What about my faith can others see?”

When things go wrong, my faith should determine my attitudes and my reactions. (And when things go well also.)

When people treat me wrongly, my faith will guide my heart and all the rest of me. (Ditto when folks are kind and just and generous towards me.)

In all those circumstances, people can see my faith (or lack of it).

They can also see my faith in my facial expressions, on the covers of the books I read, in the sounds of my music, in my way of dressing, on my vehicles, in my response to authority, in my driving…and maybe even my shopping cart?

On and on it goes because faith is extremely practical.

And always visible. Unless it isn’t there.

“Help me, Lord, to have faith. And to live by faith!”

[And he left all, rose up, and followed him (Luke 5:28)]

Luke 5:28

A little bit more from Luke 5: Calling All Sinners

Reading: Luke 5:1-16

I have been in throngs that wanted something. Talk about people pushing and shoving to make their way toward something! Or pressing and crowding to get in somewhere. Wow!

But I don’t recall ever being in this kind of crowd:

“And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret” (1).

Come to think of it, I don’t think I’m much interested in being in that kind of crowd anyway.

However, I like to think that I am interested in hearing the Word of God. Especially if it is taught with conviction, compassion, and concern. And passion, persuasion, and power. And heart, humility, and h…. (I can’t think of another h word just now!)

I said “like to think” because I don’t normally push myself toward the Word — to read it and meditate on it and draw strength from it.

But the panting hart does.

Even though sometimes I feel as though I’m panting in some sort of wilderness, apparently my own need isn’t driving me enough yet.

Why wait?!

[Master, we have...nevertheless at thy word I will (Luke 5:5)]

from Luke 5:5

A little bit more from Luke 5: For Whom?