Luke 12:31-40

I wonder how many times God says that in the Bible. I know I need to hear it many times, so I’m glad it’s recorded for me to review as often as I want to.

Anyway, in today’s reading, Jesus says it for the second time in this chapter:

“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (32).

After reading (in the previous verse) His call and command to seek His kingdom rather than the stuff of this world, I can certainly use His “no fear” assurance.

The “Father knoweth” my needs (30), so why should I fear?

If I seek the kingdom of God, He will give me what I need (31) — just like He provides for the birds (24) and the plants (28). (Except my wants are far greater and more numerous than theirs!!) So why should I fear?

Besides, it is His “good pleasure to give” His kingdom to His people (32).

Conclusion: In seeking God’s kingdom I receive peace and rest.

Pending question: In real life, how do I seek God’s kingdom?!

[Be ye...ready...for the Son...cometh...when ye think not (Luke 12:40)]

from Luke 12:40

A little bit more from Luke 12: Where Is It?

Luke 12:13-30

I have a lot of stuff.


“And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth” (15).

I don’t think my life is wrapped up in stuff. Neither do I think that the purpose of my life is to get more stuff.

Then what is the purpose of my life?

And what is the purpose of the stuff in my life?

I can tell you this: I want to be “rich toward God” (21).

Whatever that means, whatever that includes — that’s what I want!

If my stuff gets in the way, what should I do with it — and me?

[God feedeth them (Luke 12:24)]

from Luke 12:24

A little bit more from Luke 12: Don’t Trust in Yourself!