Luke 15:1-10

“And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them” (2).

How do I react to the scribes and Pharisees? If my heart response is contempt (because of how they were) or pride (because I’m not as they were) or self-satisfaction (because I think I don’t have either attitude), I don’t see how I’m better than they.

They looked down on certain people (publicans and sinners). Am I any different if I look down on certain people (Pharisees and scribes)?

Well, I don’t want to be like the Pharisees and scribes.

I do want to be one who draws near “to hear him” (1).

And I certainly want to be like This Man.

But which am I like, right now?

[Joy in the presence of the angels of God (Luke 15:10)]

from Luke 15:10

A little bit more from Luke 15: There I’m Safe Again

Luke 14:15-35

This time I’m just referencing a verse fragment:

“And they all with one consent began to make excuse” (18).

These folks had invitations (personal ones, apparently) to a special feast, a banquet, no doubt.

What an honor!

And something to be excited about and look forward to!

But some didn’t.

They had higher priorities. That was their right. It was also their loss.

I purpose not to make excuses about having and living by the priorities and calling God has for me.

I want to value what He values. I want to be faithful to Him always.

[Come; for all things are now ready (Luke 14:17)]

from Luke 14:17

A little bit more from Luke 14: I Will!!