Luke 16:15-31

I must have God’s Word.

Without it, how will I know The Way? And the way…to act…to think…to react…to believe…to talk…to live?

Without it, how can I possibly know God? And His thoughts? And His will? And His truth? And His precepts? And His feelings? (Yup, even His feelings!)

But sometimes it seems the Bible has become so common to me. I don’t value it as God does. I begin to “need” something more.

One of the problems with wanting something more is that eventually it will becoming something instead. In other words, that More Thing will have taken the place of God’s Word.

“And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead” (31).

Oh, I don’t ask for someone to come back from the dead to prompt me to follow God’s way. But maybe I depend on a certain book or church or cassette or individual or…. Or maybe it’s a certain author or leader or singer or friend or….

God’s Word is enough!

If it isn’t, nothing else will be enough either.

This then is my commitment: I will hear the Word!

[Is abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:15)]

from Luke 16:15

A little bit more from Luke 16: So I Will Build on It!

Luke 16:1-14

The dollar is down. Gold is up. Oil is up. The stock market is seesawing. Real estate seems iffy as well. Interest rates for savings accounts are very poor.

Money is so hard to come by. I can’t afford to lose it or abuse it or misuse it. How shall I use it wisely? Where shall I invest it? Where can it be secure? How can it do me the most good?

Money is so hard to rule over. If we’re not careful and cautious, it will rule us. And drive us. And use us. And consume us. And ruin us.

What shall we do with it?

“And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations” (9).

This verse, along with others, tells me I should use earthly wealth to lay up treasures in heaven, to invest in heaven.


By using my money to bless people now. By using my resources to help God’s kingdom and mission here on Earth.

I purpose again to do that.

[Give an account of thy stewardship (Luke 16:2)]

from Luke 16:2

A little bit more from Luke 16: With Little or With Much