Luke 21:1-15

I took all the twenty-dollar bills out of my wallet yesterday morning — nine of them. And slipped them into the offering plate as I passed it on to the person sitting beside me.


Because that’s what I decided to do before I knew for sure how many I had in there.

Because the collection was for a Mexico mission work near and dear to my heart.

Because God is entitled to at least some of my money.

Because I think I should give at least 10% of my income.

Now this morning I read about the rich guys who gave generously but not sacrificially. And about the poor widow who didn’t have much to give . . . because she didn’t have much, period.

Yet Jesus said she gave more than they all.

“For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had” (4).

Why . . . did the rich men give?

Why . . . did the poor widow give so “recklessly” and sacificially?

How could she do that?!

[Many shall come in my name (Luke 21:8)]

from Luke 21:8

A little bit more from Luke 21: Why?!

Luke 20:27-47

I’m glad to be alive this morning. And awake. With another opportunity to live for Him.

Last night’s load is still with me. Yesterday’s puzzles still perplex me. The cares of life still come crowding and thronging, fast and close. I still walk among unfriendly giants.

Also the same as yesterday — God is still with me. The God of the living continues in me. He who is the God of Willard and Jacob (my dead-and-gone-from-this-life grandfathers) has not left me to face today alone.

“For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him” (38).

He does His part. And I need His help to do my part.

He, the God of the living, is my God.

Living, I’ll live unto Him.

[Beware of (Luke 20:46)]

from Luke 20:46

A little bit more from Luke 20: Children of the Resurrection
