Luke 21:29-38

So much in life isn’t.

Including the earth itself.

“Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away” (33).

So? What of it?

To be stable and sure and enduring myself, I will continue to anchor my life on His eternal Word.

And build my life on it.

And live my life by it.

Daily. Gladly. Purposefully. Fully.

I don’t want loopholes. I want anchor pins!

[The people came early in the morning to hear him (Luke 21:38)]

from Luke 21:38

A little bit more from Luke 21: Forewarned!

Luke 21:16-28

Jesus invested so much of Himself in His disciples and friends. He lived with them. He served them. He provided for them. He taught them. He gave Himself for them. He loved them.

Yet, when they most needed to faithful and true, they all fled from Him. And some outright denied Him and betrayed Him. (I’d call them ungrateful wretches and unfaithful ingrates, except then I’d be condemning myself.)

Since that was the Master’s lot, should His followers expect anything different?

“And ye shall be betrayed…” (16).

The spirit of betrayal lives and thrives in our age.

It works from within as well as from without. I tend to be most aware of its work from without — others being unfaithful to me.

I need to be far more on my guard against its work from within — me being unfaithful to others.

So there’s another way to strive to be like Jesus, who is called the Faithful and True.

[Lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28)]

from Luke 21:28

A little bit more from Luke 21: Win. With Patience.
