“But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of” (John 4:32).

The disciples experienced in “real time” what I have been reading about. They didn’t know what was coming next. I do know, because I have read it so many times.

So of course they didn’t know how doing the Father’s will was meat to Jesus. Of course they didn’t know that was what sustained Him and energized Him and satisfied Him.

But I know.

And have known for a long time.

So what’s my excuse for not living by that same meat?

Having said that, I declare again my desire and my intent to live by the will of the Father.

What He says, I will do. Where He sends, I will go.

All I ask is that He make it clear to me, that He go with me, and that He empower me.

(Why is that such a scary thing to say?)

“That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6).

Anybody that sees me can tell that I was born of the flesh. I have a body. Obviously I was born.

Can anybody that sees me also tell that I was born of the Spirit?

They can’t, unless . . . .

My face reveals it.

My words and actions reveal it.

My attitudes and demeanor reveal it.

For a long time I have tried to live in a way that does not bring shame and regret to my father and mother after the flesh.

I purpose to continue trying to live in a way that does not bring shame and regret to my Father after the Spirit.
