Once in a while, someone rebukes me. I find out something I’m doing wrong or something I’m not doing right. That kind of correction hurts.

What kind of result(s) does that produce in me?

Anger? Defensiveness? Excuses? Counterattack? Pouting? Correction? Improvement? Thankfulness?

God had Paul write 1 Corinthians to point out and correct some problems in the church at Corinth.

Later (about halfway through 2 Corinthians), Paul wrote this to them:

“Now I rejoice…that ye sorrowed to repentance” (7:9).

When someone points out an error or fault that I have, God wants me to repent.

I want my heart open to that.

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

The verse before declares that we are God’s temple for He dwells in us and walks in us. In that verse He also identifies Himself as our God, and us as His people.

I don’t have to try to be His child — I am His child!

One result of that? God walks in me. Or to put it another way, God does His living through me.

I want that!

So I must choose to separate myself from that which is ungodly around me. I shouldn’t even touch it.

I want my attitudes to show God walking in me. I want my driving to show God walking in me. I want my reading to show God walking in me.

Can God see Himself when He looks at my life?