Jesus gave them His witness that they might be saved (John 5:34).

The Pharisees more than rejected Jesus; they opposed and hated Him. And sought opportunity to kill Him. But Jesus still gave them His witness that even His enemies “might be saved” (John 5:34).

Jesus also offered His listeners (detractor and disciple alike) three more witnesses to the truthfulness of His claims.

  • Jesus’ works, given to Him to do by the Father, testified of His having been sent by the Father.
  • The Father Himself had given witness that Jesus is His Son.
  • The Old Testament Scriptures generally (and Moses’ writings specifically) testify of Jesus. Jesus told them, “If you truly look through the Scriptures for the way to eternal life, you will see Me!”

Though they wanted eternal life, they would not draw near to Jesus, the Giver of that life. In doing that, they condemned themselves to death (1 John 5:12). Though they searched the Scriptures, they didn’t see God’s love for them through the Son. Though they were zealous for the Law, God’s love wasn’t in them (John 5:42).

We know the majority of the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus. They did not believe His claims about Himself. They called Him “that deceiver” (Matthew 27:63). How could they be students of the Scriptures and disciples of Moses and still miss the truth about Jesus?

They had accumulated lots of knowledge. They had developed a lot of zeal for the Law. But they didn’t know, love, and serve the LORD of the Scriptures.

Though they were into the Word insofar as study and observance is concerned, the Word was not abiding in them.

This is a reminder warning to me.

Receive with meekness the engrafted word (James 1:21)

3 thoughts on “Jesus Wanted to Save His Enemies

  1. […] The Old Testament Scriptures generally (and Moses’ writings specifically) testify of Jesus. Jesus told them, “If you truly look through the Scriptures for the way to eternal life, you will see Me!” We know the majority of the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus. They had developed a lot of zeal for the Law. But they didn’t know, love, and serve the LORD of the Scriptures. Though they were into the Word insofar as study and observance is concerned, the Word was not abiding in them. Jesus Wanted to Save His Enemies […]

  2. Thanks, Mark, for the insight. John Baptist was also a witness to the truth of Jesus’ coming; however, Jesus didn’t bank on John’s testimony to show His validity as the Son of God. He chose to do the Father’s will which prove the (His) fulfillment of the Old Testament scriptures. The beauty of those Scriptures pointing to the Deliverer is thrilling! And I can personally accept His work in delivering my soul from unbelief and sin.

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