The Lord takes personally how we treat His people.

Matthew 25:31-46

One right after the other, Matthew 25 records some parables of Jesus that sober the soul. They all show only two types of disciples — the faithful and the unfaithful.

Why am I given this sneak peek and advance notice now?

Among whom do I live: sheep or goats?

Why do good to others?

What drives my compassion?

How aware am I of another’s needs?

Am I ever allowed to ignore another’s needs?

Does God always expect us to give, having received?

Shall I serve according to the minimum of their need or the maximum of my ability?

Which is my standard: doing good or not doing bad?

Which eternal destiny am I choosing?

Which is more important — to serve Christ or to serve Christians?

Which would you rather do? My natural inclination is to wish for the opportunity to serve the visible Christ as did His disciples and the women that accompanied the group. I suspect most of us have fallen into that trap: making a difference between serving Christ and serving others. The Bible really makes no such distinction. To serve Christ is to serve others and to serve others is to serve Christ. Plain and simple.

“And the King shall answer and say unto them…Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).

How far do we carry burden bearing in a material sense?

We know the Scriptures instruct us to help those in need, to be compassionate, and to share…especially in the brotherhood. But how broadly can we apply this commandment when it comes to the financially and materially needy? A few simple guidelines will have to suffice for this place…

Excerpted and adapted from Serving Without Expecting Reward

Ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25:40)

Based on your life at this point, to which side would Jesus send you?

We have been forewarned and none of us shall be exempted. We have been told ahead of time about a day and an occasion that no one shall avoid: Judgment Day. God in His grace has also told us the measure that shall be held up to us. Let the Spirit of God search out your heart to show you how you measure up so far. Allow Him to help you make necessary adjustments. Renew your commitment to live today in light of That Day.

No person shall be exempted from the Final Judgment. The day comes when all those created in His likeness and image shall stand before the Creator. Nobody shall avoid that day. Nobody shall miss that encounter. When the Creator calls that time, no creature shall have the option or the ability to ignore Him. Only fools and the uninformed disregard that reality at this time.

We know by what criteria the Judge will render His verdicts. We know God is good, gracious, righteous, just, and merciful. Today’s passage underscores that — why else would He tell us in advance by what criteria He will judge us? He has told us so that we might live by that same criteria. He wants to put us on His right hand…even more than we want to be there!

The Lord takes personally how we treat His people. We may wish to have lived at the time when Jesus walked the planet. Not only could we have heard Him in person, we could have been among those that served Him in practical ways. Jesus still walks the planet in the bodies of His people. He takes so personally how we treat His people that He will judge us by that.

Another’s need is our opportunity. Needy people abound all around us, even in the most affluent societies. Thus God gives everyone the opportunity to take their focus off themselves and turn it toward someone whom He has equipped us to bless. This works both ways — God will also ensure that we have around us those who will see in our need a similar opportunity.

Excerpted and adapted from Judgment of the Nations

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