Hint: Just leave him standing alone.

For Sunday School in our congregation, we’ve been studying in Ezekiel. And that has included reading and studying about the watchman. This morning I ponder again the reality that watchmen get worn out and discouraged. Done for, really.

Where are those who have been tasked with sustaining and encouraging the watchman?

And that reminds me of Elijah. He was mighty in spirit and valorous in deed. But then he got discouraged and went into hiding. “I’m the only one left, Lord, and they’re trying to find me to kill me.” God told him 7,000 people remained in Israel who hadn’t bowed to idols.

So I ask: Where were those 7,000 when the prophet needed them?! Why did they leave him standing…and then fleeing…alone…and lonely…and done with his ministry…and his life?

More importantly, where are those who will stand with the watchman or the prophet in our day? And why do leave him standing…alone…lonely…done in?

Does anybody know? Does anyone even care? Truly? Enough? Tangibly?

I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts (1 Kings 19:10)

I wrote along these lines back in 2009 (Whatcha Here Fer?) and 2006 (Alone?).

Surely you could add something...
