A 12-step 'program' on how to minimize failure in the life of the child of God. Don't let that scare you away. This isn't a program; it's a way of victorious living.

Back in June, I wrote over at Ain’t Complicated: I Hate Failure.

This morning I thought to compile a list (with links to related posts of mine) of how to minimize failure.

  1. Remember it is God who must build your “house” (Except the Lord).
  2. Humble yourself before God…and others (I Used to Be Twenty-Six).
  3. Praise God for His merciful kindness (Why).
  4. Don’t forget that without God you can do nothing, but with Him, you can do “all things” (Can Do Nothing).
  5. Avoid sin (The Agony of Defeat).
  6. Cry out to God. Keep crying out (I Cried; He Heard).
  7. Acknowledge God in all your ways…through the day. You might even try saying, “Hi, God!” every so often (In All My Ways).
  8. Remember you are living in His presence…right now…and later. Always, really (Living in His Presence. Today.).
  9. Commit your works to Him (Established for Demolished).
  10. Notice and thank God for the good He eventually brings even from your failures (Looking at a Towering Stack of Failure?).
  11. Root out, turn your back on, repent of, and utterly reject pride (Haughy & Lofty Me?).
  12. Gain some wisdom from leaf watching (Wisdom from Leaf Watching).

That’s a long list, I know. And if you click each of those links and read my pieces there, it will take you a while.

But if you’re failing at what you’re doing anyway, you just as well take a break from that and read this.

And if you don’t know what you should be doing next anyway, you just as well take a break from your puzzlement and read this.

You’ll be glad you took the time. I think. Especially if you’re a child of the Almighty.

Look up, my failing friend!

2 thoughts on “Do This to Minimize Failure

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