I don’t understand that concept.

I read it a few minutes ago in Psalm 75.

Unto thee, O God,
do we give thanks,
unto thee do we give thanks:
for that thy name is near
thy wondrous works declare.

But God is the judge:
he putteth down one,
and setteth up another.

But I will declare for ever;
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

His name is near.

What do you think that means?

One thought on “His Name Is Near

  1. Someone told me once that “name” in the Bible can often mean “nature”. People are given names that describe their nature. Jacob means usurper, and that he was, until his nature was changed, through an encounter with God, to Israel, meaning one who contends with God. Abraham and Sarah both had name changes, that described changes in their natures. So to say that God’s name is near, to me, means that His nature is evident all around us. His name is inscribed in all His creation, and He Himself is accessible to the seeker.

Surely you could add something...