2 thoughts on “The Faithful

  1. Hi Mark.
    Who are the faithful all those who hear the Word and obey Him. Paul commended the Churches for their faithfulness so why is there so much disharmony in the Churches today or why is there no unity, one reason is because those who claim to be Christians not only don’t listen to Jesus they choose to live according to their own agenda, of course they wear a mask, peer group pressure no doubt.

    Anonymity just what does that mean, well we all need to be accountable and you can’t do this when you hide behind a mask or build boundaries or shut people out. Yes there are some boundaries we need, but these must be about Love and protection not to close people out, when we do this it’s all about selfishness.

    Often Christians who want to hide away will quote the Scripture that talks about Jesus fleeing in a boat to get away from the people, but they forget to mention that although he needed rest is heart motivation was sacrificial, because when the people needed Him He had compassion and healed them forgetting about His own needs and of course God gave Him the Power and Strength to do so.

    God never talks about Anonymity He always talks about Unity and being there for others not ourselves, because when we minister to others sacrificially our own needs will be meet. You only have to look at Jonah or Elijah when they ran away and Peter who didn’t want to be known as a follower of Jesus and of course Abram who lied instead of trusting in God and so put his wife in danger, or King David who sinned because He thought he was above accountability sadly to “his own self be was true” was his motto and because of this people suffered and died, but as you know they all repented and were used greatly by God. Anonymity is not about fellowship and God is.

    Christian Love Anne

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