Reading: Proverbs 30:1-10 |
I didn’t get very far into the chapter before my heart seized hold of a verse.
“Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him” (5).
I reaffirm my trust in Jesus Christ.
I reaffirm my commitment to God’s Word.
Shield me, Lord! I desperately need that. I feel so vulnerable.
![He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him (Proverbs 30:5) [He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him (Proverbs 30:5)]](/pantinghart/wp-content/heisashield-s.jpg)
from Proverbs 30:5
How Wonderful Mark that you have faith in the Word of God, both the Truth of the written word and the Living Word. How wonderful that you feel so vulnerable. When we are stripped of our Pride or complacency can we be any other way, like a Child we humbly submit to God’s Love and Protection, His arms carry us and His hand holds ours firmly which means He keeps us close to His heart.
Sadly today people read, study, talk, preach, sing and share the Scriptures, but don’t believe them, they have a form of Godliness but deny the Power it is all about words but not Truth in the Spirit. But then are they so different from when Jesus walked the earth, He rebuked the Pharisees for much the same thing… talking the talk but not walking the walk. Yet the early Church, the Firstfruits walked in the newness of life and in His Unity and Love, not of this earth but of the kingdom of God. We too can be partakers by holding firm to the Truth which is in Christ Jesus.
Sadly God’s Truth can be bended and twisted to deceive, no the Scriptures are not talking about the written words because when translated from one language to another they are changed or their meaning is different, and words also change and can have different meanings when Translating from one period of time to another, even the meaning of Greek and Hebrew words have been changed over time. No God is talking about the Spirit of the Word.
It is not wrong to add words of Hope that are the Truth and the fullness of the Living word or expand the written word in a way that encourages those who accept it in their heart, much like the Amplified Bible does and other Translations such as the K.J.V etc, and we need to remember Jesus did this often with parables and He also expanded the written words to reveal deeper Truth as did Paul and other writers of the Scriptures, today we need to remember thankfully the Holy Spirit our Teacher will always reveal error and give Truth.
But it is wrong to use God’s words of Love to cause fear and condemnation or to justify wrong actions, when this is done the Lord will by the Truth show the Lie for what it is. Such as somehow you must earn His Love and that Salvation is gained by our works not His Grace or that Repentance is nothing of the heart, but just a mere formality needed to get what you want. So then just a few words spoken is real Repentance. Instead of the Truth that Godly sorrow and regret for what we have done wrong and the hurt we inflicted on our Lord is needed. Or they say that no matter what wrong we continue to do, its ok we are forgiven we don’t really have to turn from evil and do good and as you know we can only do this by the Holy Spirit working in us not our flesh. Also heart felt believe in Jesus meaning all that He is and has done, this is what True Repentance is and we live it we don’t just talk about it .
Written words can be changed but God’s Living Word cannot be, His Truth will always win over a lie or Satan’s deception. Yet in all this we need to remember what Christ has begun He will finish.
I was much the same as the Pharisees in my early walk with the Lord and perhaps at times still loose my focus, yet as I’m being perfected and made Holy, God’s Truth is becoming my life blood, Jesus Christ the essence of my being and all else seems empty and void in comparison.
Even as I say this I realise that my eyes have been opened to the wonder of God’s Creation, even a flower or animal has the blueprint of His Love and every one of His redeemed Children even those who have not yet come to Repentance, reflect His beauty in some way.
Mark we need to hold onto the Truth, God Loves us and we don’t walk alone, we will become stronger in the Lord as a Child does learning to walk, we need to block out the voices that take our focus away, or our Hope or Joy and not accept anything that Satan or our flesh may throw at us.
Like you at times I have fears Mark, how I long to be perfected in Love, I’m panting after this, even though I know I’m in Childbirth like all God’s Redeemed Children I still long to understand all that I am and have in Christ Jesus.
My life as been one of rejection from the time I was born, how hard it was for me to believe that God could accept me as His Child and Love me with every essence of His being, but then can it be any other way He is Love. The Scriptures told me time and time again this Truth how blind I was and at times perhaps still am, seeking in my own strength to somehow win His Love and longing for His presence when all the time He holds me, He protects me, He surrounds me with His Love. So I hold onto the fact the Holy Spirit is putting to death my flesh and so once again I am still and wait on the Lord
I sometimes watch Mothers and Fathers with their young Children, my 7 Children are in Heaven with the Lord their innocence protected by the shroud of earthly death, yet they live in the bosom of God, their names known to Him, they are part of His Heavenly family, part of His heart and their Joy and Hope is complete.
A Loving Father or Mother does not expect their young Child to pay them back or be perfect in all they do, they lovingly watch with wonder every facial expression… a burp is a smile, a frown is reason for concern, a cry captured in their hearts with a need to make it all better somehow. They delight in their Gift of Love, their Child is part of them not just something distant and remote, they have planes for good for their little one, they watch with wonder and pride when the he takes his first step, they rush to steady him when he falls, they stand him up again and guide him in the right direction, they hold out their arms and with Joy he falls into them knowing he will not be hurt.They never leave his side in their hearts, he is always with them
We are God’s beloved Children can He do any less for us, in fact He does so much more, so then lets relax in His arms gazing up into His eyes of Love, content and at peace and knowing without a doubt we do not have to fear, He will always be near, do we believe this, how can we not… God is Love.
Christian Love Anne.