
Proverbs 30:1-10

To have no exposure to wisdom nor to knowledge of God — wow! 😯

Or maybe that should read — wow! 😥

“I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy” (Proverbs 30:3).

Though I haven’t learned it all nor known it all, I am sooooo grateful to have learned it and known it.

What a privileged man I am, to have learned wisdom and to have received the knowledge of the Holy!

Thank you, Lord.

And that gratefulness extends to my parents as well as to my other instructors.

For that privilege, I have a huge debt to repay, a precious treasure to share with others, a wealth of knowledge to pass along.

Yet so many undervalue their own privilege; others despise it. Will they awaken soon enough? Will their value system change in time?

I hope so!

[The Scriptures say in Proverbs 30:8 -- Give me neither poverty nor riches]

from Proverbs 30:8

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