3 thoughts on “By This Deed

  1. Yes how sad that people don’t realise that by their actions and not just their words they Blaspheme God. But how wonderful that we have a God who forgives and restores when we have heart Repentance.

    Of course accusing God of evil and seeking to portray Him as a God of hate without Love or Mercy, and we do this when we seek to fulfil the requirements of the Law in the flesh instead of by the Holy Spirit and by also teaching this is the way, then we are also Blaspheming God.

    But once again His Love covers a multitude of sins and if we come to heart Repentance before we die then once again we will be forgiven, if we don’t then we are shamefully Blaspheming the Holy Spirit by rejecting His Truth in regard to our sinfulness and by doing this we are calling Him a Liar and we can’t be forgiven for a hard heart after death because this is the unforgivable sin.

    But the good news is all God’s Redeemed Children those He has known from the beginning will indeed come to heart Repentance even if at death, yes their works will be burnt up, but they will escape.

    It is not that there are so many false teachers today, it is that there are many deceived teachers, but as you know God’s Truth is more powerful then any of the Lies that Satan propagates by what ever mode and God can even use Satan Lies to show error and highlight Truth.

    We have one Teacher the Holy Spirit, yes He may anoint us with the gift of Teaching, but He is the one that Teaches not us and yes He can use the foolishness of preaching, but it is Him alone that has the whole Truth and so it is wise for us to listen to Him and not go by our own agenda and feelings and if we lack wisdom we ask and then believe we receive, if this is not True then we can throw the Scriptures away, they are just fairy stories or at best made up delusions. Christian Love -Anne Stocks.

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