Psalm 137
Zion (ie Jerusalem) was (as well as represented) the Israelite’s heritage and identity.
But in general, they had despised and their hearts had wandered from that identity and heritage. They didn’t want it? They didn’t treasure it? Well, then, God drove them from their land and destroyed Jerusalem.
Then their feelings changed, but too late, of course.
“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion” (Psalm 137:1).
What is my spiritual heritage and identity?
Christian, Anabaptist, Mennonite — that’s what. (And that’s the order.)
By the grace of God, I will not despise nor turn from nor forget any of the three.
Is my experience with and among all three perfect? Of course not.
What of it?
Are there hypocrites or immature ones among those who embrace all or any of the three? Yes. Many.
What of it?
God is yet at work!
Why should I give up or settle for a downgrade?
On the other hand, where elements of my heritage, identity, faith, and practice are short of God’s best and distant from His heart, I want to improve them. They must — absolutely and without exception — fall in line with God’s Word and will. As must I.
Well, this post has a different feel to me than do most in this blog. And it certainly is incomplete and, therefore, very vulnerable to attack and to being misunderstood. But it gives you a bit of a glimpse into my heart. Oh, and I suppose I ought to end with an important disclaimer: I do not look down on nor hold in contempt those whose Christian heritage and identity is different from mine.

How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land? (Psalm 137:4)
A little bit more from Psalm 137: If I Do Not Remember
Downgrade? Interesting terminology!
So downgrade is interesting terminology, eh? I figured it would be.
Maybe give up is also. 😉
Anyway, I used downgrade because if I eventually choose to condone spouse swapping (for example), that would be a downgrade from what I believe now.
(If you wish, you could accurately substitute the following for spouse swapping above: homosexual living, unconditional eternal security, military service, unveiled heads for Christian women, smoking, dancing, swearing oaths.)
To those reading this who have “upgraded” from portions of my three-part heritage given in my original post, no jibes intended.
No jibe taken personally…I just thought it was interesting. 😉 Based on some of your description I would have used stronger words than a “downgrade” probably so maybe you were being kindhearted..;)
I personally wouldn’t associate the term downgrade with someone that may disagree with an application of scripture vs. clear disobedience but hey it’s your blog. ;)…and If I honestly thought there was something that I needed to “upgrade” to..then I wouldn’t hesitiate..and I am sure you wouldn’t either. 😉