God delivers His people from it. (Or yearns to, anyway.)

Psalm 147

God’s thoughts are higher than ours. Of our own intellect and wisdom, we cannot generate such thoughts and perspectives as His. Neither can we know His ways of living and doing things.

We can no more know His thoughts and ways than an amoeba or a monkey can know ours.


Unless He chooses to tell us His thoughts.

“He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm 147:20).

So many people do not know His judgments. They don’t know His thoughts. They don’t know His points of view. They don’t know His ways.

But His people do!

Because He chose to let them know.

Praise the Lord!

[He hath blessed thy children (Psalm 147:13)]
from Psalm 147:13

A little bit more from Psalm 147: The Lord’s Pleasure

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