“The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob” (Psalm 87:2).

Why? I don’t know.

Well, wait a minute. Why does He love me?

Because He chose to. Because He wanted to.

I don’t know why He chose Zion (ie, Jerusalem) above all other places, cities, and people. But He did and that’s that.

Am I resentful? Not a bit! He loves me as well!

God loves His people. That’s the personal blessing that comes to me as I read this verse.

Let me rest in that. Let me bask in that. Let me joy in that.

Sure, what God loves the world hates. So does Satan. The history of Zion and her people shows that clearly. But to be the object of God’s love…. Wow!

PS: I haven’t blogged here in many weeks. I was busy getting my Spanish devotional blog launched. My plan now is to alternate days between that blog and this one. Perhaps some day one will become a morning devotional blog and the other an evening one.

2 thoughts on “Zion? Why?!

  1. Hello Mark,

    I enjoyed the devotional.I just had this converdation with a friend.I also am not resentful about His choice.I know He loves me,

    In Him,


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