
In King David’s time, the tabernacle was God’s “home on earth.” Seeing that “tent” reminded the people of something very reassuring: God is among us. That structure represented God’s presence with His people.

For me, that adds significance to the Psalmist’s questions in verse one (given here as I translated them from my Spanish Bible):

“Jehovah, who shall live in your tabernacle? Who shall dwell in your holy mount?”

Who shall live with God? Who shall live daily in His presence? Who gets to be with Him every day? Who?!

“He that doeth these things shall never be moved” (Psalm 15:5).

Oh! OK! That’s who!

Whoever does “these things” shall live daily with God and never be moved from God’s presence.

What things? What is sandwiched between the above portions.

Surely you could add something...
