
People “taste” my life, mostly through their ears and eyes.

People also taste God, often by tasting His people.

And too often, people think they are tasting God because they have tasted His people. I say “think” because too often God’s people do not taste like God at all.

What triggered this line of thinking? This: “. . . and to the other the savour of life unto life” (2 Corinthians 2:16).

To taste like God, I must taste God.

Thoroughly. Fully. Completely. Often. Voraciously.

Like a hungry man.

And a panting hart.

One thought on “What’s My Flavor?

  1. I like your simple but profound thought that to taste like God we must taste God. You often offer thought-provoking commentary on putting Biblical concepts into daily practice. Keep at it.

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