
Out with the old; in with the new.

Out with all the old!

I find it easy to excuse a little bit of evil because it’s just a little bit.

But as verse six says, “a little leaven leaventh the whole lump.” It doesn’t take a huge amount of yeast to affect a whole gob of doughnut dough.

So . . . .

“Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump . . .” (1 Corinthians 5:7).

Looking at this from a different angle, sometimes I leave a small good deed undone because it’s so little.

The smallest act of goodness results in blessing way out of proportion to its size.

A smile here, an approving word there, a little bonus of kindness over yon — big blessings to God, the recipient, and the giver.

One thought on “Little Makes Big

  1. I have always enjoyed the Bible’s many “down to earth” word pictures…as a chef who has specialized in pastries and breads, I know just how meaningful that “little bit of leaven
    is. People who make bread in the “artisan” or old fashioned way, also know that yeast doesn’t come in little cakes or packets….its in the very air we breathe, and to “collect” it, all it needs is a hospitable environment. I pray that I will be inhospitable to the leaven of the world and VERY hospitable to the new leaven of the Lord! Thanks for a great post.

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