
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6).

Anybody that sees me can tell that I was born of the flesh. I have a body. Obviously I was born.

Can anybody that sees me also tell that I was born of the Spirit?

They can’t, unless . . . .

My face reveals it.

My words and actions reveal it.

My attitudes and demeanor reveal it.

For a long time I have tried to live in a way that does not bring shame and regret to my father and mother after the flesh.

I purpose to continue trying to live in a way that does not bring shame and regret to my Father after the Spirit.

One thought on “Born of . . . .

  1. Hi Mark,

    Josh here from New Hope. I just wanted to let you know what a blessing your website has been and more recently “Panting Hart”. I also find your “thoughts for the week” about the Sunday School lessons very thought provoking as well. Keep it up!

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