If I wear all the armor God provides, I will survive and win.

Last week an Oregon State Trooper survived being shot from behind. He was wearing body armor.

That’s the only way I can survive against an enemy who is even more “unfair” than the above criminal who shot the trooper during a traffic stop.

If I wear all the armor God provides, I will survive and win.

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11).

And how do I put on such armor as is given in verses 13-17?

For instance, the breastplate of righteousness?

Each time I choose to do right and think right, I am putting on and keeping on that breastplate.

Each time I choose to do and think wrong, I am exposing myself — unprotected — to the arrows, bullets, and swords of the evil ones.

Surely you could add something...