The generation that seeks God

Psalm 24

The Greatest Generation, The Me Generation — sometimes a generation comes along that seems to distinguish itself in a certain way.

I don’t know how my generation distinguishes itself. However, I know that this is how I want to distinguish myself:

“This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.” (Psalm 24:6).

It’s a desire I have — to seek God.

Or maybe I should say that my desire is this: to desire to seek God.

When I am puzzled and confused.

When I am distressed and discouraged.

When I am happy and upbeat.

When I am confident and energetic.

When I am too busy and when I don’t know what to do with myself.

When I am satisfied and at peace as well as when I am dissatisfied and restless.

All the time and any time — I want to be one who easily and frequently turns to God.

Feared, and set himself to seek the LORD (2 Chronicles 20:33)

Set himself to seek the LORD (2 Chronicles 20:33)

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