
“For this is the will of God….” (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

Wow! How often I have wished to have it given to me that clearly and that directly.

Most of the time, it seems, I’ve been left with the wish…and with the task to “figuring out” God’s will without that clear, direct word.

It strikes me, though, that determining God’s will for those “most of the time” situations would be greatly simplified if I faithfully lived by His already-revealed will.

For example, He clearly says I ought to return good for evil. Much less clear to me is whether we should return to Mexico as missionaries. It seems my first priority should be to live by His clearly-revealed will. That will “equip” me for correctly discerning His will in other areas.

Oh, and what’s the rest of the above thought from the Scriptures?

“…even your sanctification…”

“…that ye should abstain from fornication…”

“…That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour.” (4).

Surely you could add something...
