Shortcuts to Shortcuts

If you’re a Mac user exclusively, this won’t do much for you. :mrgreen:

If you are a Windows user who tends to switch back and forth among multiple programs, you can save yourself time by creating a keyboard shortcut. While the little icons on your desktop are shortcuts that point to a program or other file on your hard disk, you can easily create a keyboard shortcut to a shortcut.

When you create a key combination for a shortcut, it will open the program, or switch to the program if it’s already running. Be sure to avoid creating keyboard shortcuts that conflict with built-in shortcuts or those you use a lot in programs. For example, you’ll want to avoid Ctrl+S save, Ctrl+P print, Ctrl+C copy, Ctrl+X cut and Ctrl+V paste. Here are a few easy steps to create a shortcut to a shortcut:

  1. Right-click the shortcut on your desktop.
  2. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  3. Click in the Shortcut key box it says None if you have no shortcut key assigned
  4. Press the key combination you want to use to access your shortcut. You can use letters or numbers in conjunction with the Ctrl, Alt, or Shift keys. Or you can use the function keys at the top of your keyboard. Click OK.

Oh. You’re a Windows user and that doesn’t much for you either? Oh well. 😆

Source: Printer@Work

Just Words

They're evidence. Make them count for good!

I stared. 😯

I was incredulous at the email. It was bad as a personal email. But sent to a multi-recipient list?!

Wow! Somebody was having a bad day! 🙁

Not only had the email departed the sender’s mind ahead of any grace and tact, it projected itself as mind-bogglingly dumb. I don’t mean that unkindly or disrespectfully. I’m simply saying its cargo excluded basic common sense.

The person who sent it issued a follow-up email 38 minutes later. It was an apology.

Very good! God bless him for his honesty, humility, and integrity.

But guess which email is more likely to be remembered?

Yeah. Too bad.

Words. Just words. Not sticks and stones, you know. But what dismay they can cause.

Words. Just words. Too often I want to excuse mine. And attack the other guy’s (if I deem them ill-advised or outright bad).

Words. Just words. But God doesn’t see the matter so lightly.

He will judge me by my words.

And by how they line up with His Word.


“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD,
my strength, and my redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb.

Full of sweet, nourishing honey — not stinging bees!

This whole deal was one of those wretched teachable moments (can we come up with a different term already?).

The lesson above leaps forward as Number One (or more).

Other lessons?

  1. Be slow to react to email. Come to think of it. Don’t react.
  2. Be slow. There’s no rush. Especially if you’re having a trying day.
  3. Email is forwardable. How far will yours go? That may not matter to you now, but it likely will in a day or two. Or in a minute or two. Or less.
  4. Email lists have the added danger of being archived on the Web “forever”!

There. I don’t want to give them all. What other lessons do you see?

This was to post last evening…but I didn’t get back to my computer and the Internet in time.

Egg-zamining Eggs Eggs-pertly

Ensure that you're buying and consuming fresh, high-quality eggs

For your consideration, what some Dr. Mercola has to say:

It may sound incredible, but many conventional egg operations contain as many as half a million chickens. Each cage will hold four or five birds, each with room to roam an area no larger than a letter-sized sheet of paper.

Subsequently, these cage-raised chickens have to be given routine doses of antibiotics and other drugs, all of which have serious health implications for you the consumer.


Regardless of where you get your eggs from, there are several guidelines to ensure that you’re buying and consuming fresh, high-quality eggs:

  1. Always check the freshness of the egg right before you consume the yolk. If you are at all uncertain about the freshness of an egg, don’t eat it. This is one of the best safeguards against salmonella infection.
  2. If there is a crack in the shell, don’t eat it. You can easily check for this by immersing the egg in a pan of cool, salted water. If the egg emits a tiny stream of bubbles, don’t consume it as the shell is porous/contains a hole.
  3. If you are getting your eggs fresh from a farmer it is best to not refrigerate them. This is the way most of the world stores their eggs; they do not refrigerate them. It’s important to remember that to be able to properly judge the freshness of an egg, its contents need to be at room temperature. Eggs that are stored in the fridge and opened immediately after taking them out will seem fresher than they actually are. At the very least, eggs should be kept outside the fridge for at least an hour prior to checking them for freshness or opening them.
  4. To check for freshness, first roll the egg across a flat surface. Only consume it if it rolls wobbly.
  5. Next, open the egg. If the egg white is watery instead of gel-like, don’t consume the egg. If the egg yolk is not convex and firm, don’t consume the egg. If the egg yolk easily bursts, don’t consume the egg.
  6. After opening the egg you can put it up to your nose and smell it. If it smells foul you will certainly not want to consume it.

There you are. And if you want some additional egg-citement, eat them raw. 😯

Above all, love God!