Would You Know This Papa?

Don't be surprised if you don't!

I wrote some special sentences for my high school Spanish class:

As you can see, I ended up with a nice little story. (I didn’t set out to do that, but things happen.) I should illustrate it.

I struggled for a title:

  • A Potato and a Pope
  • No Hay Papas
  • Of Potatoes and Popes
  • A House Without Papas
  • When a Papa Isn’t What You Expect

Today’s Spanish Class

Featuring a built-by-me quiz over ir, ser, and estar. Plus the usual pronunciation-translation oral drill work.

For my high school Spanish class today, the students are planning to take a written quiz on the proper uses of the present tense conjugations of ir, ser, and estar. That is, they’d better be planning that way; I am!

After that, we’ll do oral pronunciation and translation work using these two lists:

  • paja, fecha, cita, dátil, difícil, fácil, útil, mañana, con, hoy, también, ayer, sin, popote
  • las estaciones del año, primavera, verano, otoño, invierno

And these statements: Read it all

Above all, love God!