Women in Combat, Selective Service System, and the Draft

Judge rules unconstitutional a US military draft (and registration for it) as presently configured

Draft women for the military?

image of injuctioning by federal judge rules against all-male military draft

Federal Judge Gary Miller in Texas ruled on Friday that a military draft as the US has used it in the past is unconstitutional.

Before you start cheering, be aware that the focus isn’t on the draft but on its male-only nature. In other words, this is about making the military draft constitutional by drafting women as well. Judge Miller proclaimed that “the time has passed” to be debating whether or not women belong in the US military.

Though the US has no military draft at the present (and hasn’t had any since the last millennium), it does require young men to register for the draft with the Selective Service System. (Young men, it is your duty under God to comply. If you’re 18 or older, get yourself to a Post Office and do it.) Read it all

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