Signs of the End, Warnings, and Encouragement

Wars, revolutions, Covid-19, earthquakes, UFOs, false christs, aliens, famines, apostasy, fear, instability, tribulation, deception, mandates, tyranny, oppression, cultural collapse, spiritual darkness, hopelessness -- watch and be ready. Shine as lights in the world!
When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

June 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending; who is, was, and is to come, the Almighty.

The Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart to write to you concerning the lateness of the hour, the signs of the end of the age, and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also have four warnings the Lord has given me, and some words of encouragement. Read it all

Lisa Miller — Self-Harm Risk and Flight Risk?

Some of those holding her seem(ed) to think so!
Unto you it is suffer for his sake (Philippians 1:29)

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Greetings in the name of our Lord who controls all things. It has been an outside chilly 27°F here at Niagara County Jail; hence I’ve been passing on the one hour outside rec time. Outside recreation occurs in 3 partitioned-off blacktop areas (yards) topped with razor-sharp barbed wire. All the women who choose to take advantage of outside rec go out together but each unit plays in their own yard. I choose to walk round and round the yard with ear buds in listening to sermons or music while others prefer to shoot the hoop or socialize with others through the chain link fence. When I pass on rec I usually can be found writing letters on my bunk. Thank you all who write me. I am blessed beyond measure!

Speaking of your letters, they have created quite a stir here. =) Tonight, I was called out of the dorm to supposedly speak to a C.O. [corrections officer].Read it all

Elections and the Elect: The Darkness Deepens But Light Shines On

Be faithful, even if you are fearful. Don't be blind to danger, neither stop looking to Jesus.

This post is not what I envisioned it becoming.

Instead it is mostly unarranged thoughts typed in a mostly “stream of consciousness” fit or two, originally intended for a couple of weeks as threads to be woven with a bunch of others into something to post at Anabaptists. I just don’t have the time. And, frankly, have lost the “zeal” and drive for it as well.

But I put them here and fling them out there because I am deeply, deeply concerned about the state of God’s people in the times we find ourselves.

Some of these things I know to be factual. Others I acknowledge as possibly not rising to more than being mere feelings. Read it all

Kenneth L Miller, Federal Prisoner 08464-082

When the Christian faithful collide with a society in the grip of Satan's tyranny

Because “a woman’s faith and modern society collided,” Ken Miller reported to federal prison in Virginia on March 22, 2016.

In this “war against Satan’s tyranny,” Ken holds to the view that the proper weapons must be employed by the faithful disciple of Jesus. In the excerpt below, notice how he identifies such weaponry.

Ken Miller bids farewell to his home congregation Read it all

Yazidis and Christians — Genocide in Progress?

What Christian Aid Ministries is doing to help a "little" bit.


Joel C. Rosenberg reports:


Even the media and the politicians are finally using the term genocide to describe what is going on in Iraq. Read it all

Above all, love God!