Before speaking to that question, I’ll tell you a bit more about this post by promising to answer three other questions as well:
- Who sounds most genuinely friendly to the Christian faith: Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, Sanders, or Trump?
- Who are the Christian candidates in the race?
- What should be my role in the process?
Yesterday I thought again of the bizarre nature of national Presidential politics in the United States. The towering gullibility of the collective American mind is demonstrably bizarre.
Consider the two-ring caucus presently launching the opening act of Let’s Elect a President 2016.
The hawk-eyed Iowans will gather tonight to chatter and vote their hearts or minds in an effort to select a party standard bearer in each major political party. What comes out of Iowa tonight is supposed to be Really Significant.
Look. I don’t want to be unkind or sarcastic, but I have to be blunt. Iowa is only one of fifty states. What’s with making the results tonight so significant? Weird. Read it all