How Does God Choose When the Options Are Vile and Evil?

Analyzing the dilemma of the 2016 US Presidential election

We think we know that Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. We’re sure it won’t be Bernie Sanders or Ted Cruz. And we’re certain it won’t be Jill Stein or Gary Johnson (did I get their names right even?).

Maybe it won’t be any of those. Read it all

An Anabaptist Prophet Looks at the Iowa Caucuses

What's with making the results tonight so significant?

Before speaking to that question, I’ll tell you a bit more about this post by promising to answer three other questions as well:

  • Who sounds most genuinely friendly to the Christian faith: Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, Sanders, or Trump?
  • Who are the Christian candidates in the race?
  • What should be my role in the process?

Yesterday I thought again of the bizarre nature of national Presidential politics in the United States. The towering gullibility of the collective American mind is demonstrably bizarre.

Consider the two-ring caucus presently launching the opening act of Let’s Elect a President 2016.

The hawk-eyed Iowans will gather tonight to chatter and vote their hearts or minds in an effort to select a party standard bearer in each major political party. What comes out of Iowa tonight is supposed to be Really Significant.

Look. I don’t want to be unkind or sarcastic, but I have to be blunt. Iowa is only one of fifty states. What’s with making the results tonight so significant? Weird. Read it all

Reflections: Election 2012

I eyeball 🙄 😯 😕 😐 the political scene without entangling myself in the political drama (or is it merely a play?).

When I go grocery shopping, I also eyeball others’ unbelievably loaded shopping carts and the “food stamp” Oregon Trail cards they use for payment…and I remember Alexis de Tocqueville: Read it all

Pending October Surprises?

October Surprise — a news or “news” event which potentially influences the outcome of an election, particularly one for the US presidency.

Well, folks, we’re well into October. What surprises might “they” have pending in an effort to influence or even alter the outcome of the US Presidential election?

Is it really possible that someone will persuasively make the case that… Read it all

Above all, love God!