Kyrgyzstan: Did You Know?

Will religious freedom increase with new Kyrgyz government?

While Kyrgyzstan’s President Bakiyev refused to resign, an interim government has been established, headed by Former Foreign Minister Roza Otunbayeva.

Wednesday’s coup has left many in the country in fear, says Sergey Rakhuba, vice president of Russian Ministries.


Rakhuba is hoping the coup also means a repeal of restrictive religion laws.


That could happen as Otunabayeva wants the new government to draft a new constitution and hold new elections in the next six months.

In the meantime, reports indicate Bakiyev is trying to rally supporters in the southern portion of the country, which could mean additional bloodshed.


persecution for Christians -- #persecution, #somalia, #islamic-law --

Somalia is almost exclusively Sunni Muslim, with less than one percent of the population Christian.

Lee DeYoung with Words of Hope says they beam hope in. “The wonderful message of Jesus Christ is unknown to most Somalis. The Gospel radio programs are a lifeline in very troubled times.”

Somalia ranks fourth on the Open Doors World Watch list, a compilation of the 50 countries where persecution is the worst.

Last April, Parliament voted unanimously to institute Islamic law. It was a disastrous move made with the hope that it would undergird support for the government. Instead, Christians find themselves closely monitored by both the government and the Islamic militias.

More than 20 Somali believers were martyred publicly in 2009. Most recently, on January 1….

Christians know they run a risk when following Christ.


Pray too, that in the midst of challenges, Somali Christians will remain unshaken from the work the Lord has given them, trusting Him to bring eternal results

Source: Radio transcends difficult ministry ground

Eritrea: 30 Christian Women

Arrested in Eritrea

A religious rights advocate in Washington, DC is condemning the arrest of more Christians in Eritrea. According to International Christian Concern, 30 Christian women were arrested in Asmara, the country’s capital city.

International Christians Concern’s Regional Manager for Africa and South Asia Jonathan Racho says, “The Christians were praying at a house at the time Eritrean officials raided the prayer meeting, arrested all of the people, and took them to the police station.”

Their children and grandchildren told ICC sources that they are concerned about the safety of their loved one. Racho is concerned, too, “because we know that Christians who are imprisoned in Eritrea are mistreated, they face torture, and there are cases where Christians were tortured to death.”

Racho is baffled by their arrests. “They don’t pose any security risk to the country. These are just old married people. They have just come together to pray. It doesn’t make any sense to arrest moms and grand-moms for praying together.”

Most of the detainees are members of Faith Mission Church, an evangelical body. The church has been carrying out evangelistic and development activities in Eritrea for over five decades. It was forced to go underground in 2002 after Eritrean officials required all religious groups to register. The officials then allowed only three Christian denominations to register. They include: the Eritrean Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran denominations.

Sunday: Day of…

Partying, relaxation, worship, work, leisure, rest — Sunday tends to be a Day of one or more of the above.

This particular Sunday — November 8, 2009 — gets double duty in the special Day of department.

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

There are literally millions of Christians around the world who suffer simply because they call themselves Christians. In many countries, Christians are martyred for their faith. The world watched in horror the unbridled violence that was unleashed on Christians in Orissa state, India last year. There are other places in the world, such as North Korea, where acts of persecution take place, but we often don’t see or hear the full story.

This Sunday is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

President of Open Doors USA Carl Moeller says Sunday is an important day for believers. “This is a day when the church in the free world remembers and prays for our brothers and sisters who are suffering persecution in places where Christianity is not free.”

Moeller describes the type of persecution Christians are facing today. “Well over 100 million Christians face discrimination, alienation, sometimes unjust arrest and harassment, imprisonment, torture and even death.”

He adds, “These 100 million Christians, our brothers and sisters, truly need our prayer so that they can stand strong in the midst of the suffering.”

Orphan Sunday

Over 143 million orphans worldwide long for the love of a real family.

According to the United Nations, there are 80 million orphans in Africa alone, a number that is only rising. Even in the United States, 122,000 foster children are legally eligible for adoption, waiting for a family to love them enough to adopt them.

When surveyed, over 50 percent of people said that if they were looking to adopt, they would go to their church for information. Unfortunately, most churches don’t know where to direct people when asked. This Sunday, their questions may finally be answered.

November 8 is Orphan Sunday. Orphan Sunday is a day set aside for churches to recognize the needs of orphans internationally, to begin thinking of ways to implement adoption information into their congregation, and to learn more about adoption.

I wonder.

Do these special Day of days have any sort of impact on regular folks?

On the Run in Egypt

Meet Maher El Gohary

It is a clear day along the coast, but in a bungalow off the beach, Maher El Gohary sits behind a locked door with an open Bible and a crystal cross, suspicious of every voice and sandal scraping past outside.

He and his daughter, Dina, live like refugees, switching apartments every few months, not wanting to get close to neighbors. Gohary’s life has been threatened, his dogs have been killed, and it’s been suggested that he’s insane or possessed by spirits.

He is a man this Muslim nation cannot fathom: a convert to Christianity.


A tall man in blue shorts and rimless glasses, Gohary, 56, looks as if he is ready to walk the beach. But he and Dina have just moved to the three-room bungalow. Their suitcases are still packed; the only thing hanging on the walls is a clothesline. Listening for noises outside, Gohary speaks of how years earlier the teachings of Jesus, especially parables on forgiveness and loving your enemy, changed his life.

“In Islam, if you steal your hands are cut off, but in Christianity you can be forgiven,” he says. “This compassion is what attracted me.”

Back then he was a young cadet at the police academy, inspired by a Christian bunkmate who ignored the taunts of Muslim recruits. Gohary, the son of a police general, began reading the Bible.


Gohary listens at the door. He doesn’t want an unexpected knock, and says he and his daughter will stay here a month or so and then move on.

Source: Los Angeles Times — A Christian on the run in Egypt


Favored: Fathima Rifqa Bary

The judge has ruled:

Rifqa Bary, a Christian convert whose parents are Muslim immigrants from Sri Lanka, will remain in foster care in Florida until another hearing is held Sept. 3.


Florida’s Gov. Charlie Crist weighed in on the mater Friday with the following statement: “I am grateful to Circuit Judge Daniel Dawson for his decision to grant Fathima Rifqa Bary the right to remain in Florida. … We will continue to fight to protect Rifqa’s safety and wellbeing as we move forward.”

Source: Runaway Christian Convert to Stay in Florida for Now, Judge Rules

Over at Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller begins her post thus:

Rifqa has been given a reprieve. SHE WILL NOT BE SENT TO OHIO! Praise G-d. She will not be sent back to her terrorized home in Ohio, at least not for now.

If you want to continue following this story, Atlas Shrugs is probably as good a place as any. I do not plan to continue coverage here.

Above all, love God!