Presumption: “Behold, I Thought”

Naaman was mad. Very angry, in fact.

It’s no wonder. He had a huge, monstrous, humanly-insurmountable need.

He had come a long way for a solution. And a divine solution at that. He’d had plenty of time to develop a certain scenario, a specific sequence of events that should transpire.

In other words, he had his own idea on how things were going to happen Read it all

For Lack of Five?

How spiritually and morally bankrupt is the United States of America? (Substitute your country if you prefer.)

This nation founded on many Christian principles is so deep in moral and spiritual debt that she can never dig out on her own. (Of course, that’s the case with every nation and every soul in every nation.)

But it doesn’t seem that the USA has reached yet the depravity of Sodom: Read it all

Kenneth Miller Trial: Day 4

After this paragraph, the rest of this post was written by Loyal Martin, one of the observers present at Kenneth Miller’s trial. Loyal did not write this for use here at Ain’t Complicated, but he did give me permission to republish his report here. Thank you once again, Loyal! (I made a few for-the-web changes.) Now, his report of the proceedings on Tuesday, August 14, 2012.

Our whole family along with several others brothers from NY arrived at Burlington Court about 8:50 am to find a line stretching out the front door and down the sidewalk. Read it all

Penn State, Nineveh, Sandusky, and Me

You know about Jerry Sandusky and Pennsylvania State University and the sodomy stuff, right? Sure you do (you’re online, after all).

Do you also know about Nineveh and the evil in that city?

Well, Jonah certainly knew about Nineveh…and he certainly wasn’t going there on any errand of grace and mercy! But now look what I did; I got ahead of myself… Read it all

Above all, love God!