Prayer Walking?

Behold my first research project in a long time.

Here are the main questions that I’ll be investigating for now:

  1. What is it?
  2. Is it in the Bible as history?
  3. Is it in the Bible as teaching or doctrine?
  4. What are its purposes and goals?
  5. What are its benefits?
  6. What are its cautions if not dangers?
  7. Who uses it?
  8. Who is objecting to it?
  9. Is it in the news?

I hope to post the results sometime. But I have to get them first. Hopefully, it will be before my 50th birthday.

Children on the Block

Somebody will pay for this!

Taliban buying children for suicide bombers

Pakistan’s top Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, is buying children as young as 7 to serve as suicide bombers in the growing spate of attacks against Pakistani, Afghan and U.S. targets, U.S. Defense Department and Pakistani officials say.

A Pakistani official, who spoke on the condition that he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic, said the going price for child bombers was $7,000 to $14,000 – huge sums in Pakistan, where per-capita income is about $2,600 a year.

These youngsters surely end up in the arms of the Everlasting Father, who surely will avenge the cruelty inflicted upon them.

Tuesday Morning

Andrée Seu reflects over at WorldMagBlog:

On Tuesday, at 7:30 a.m., they took Marie away. I stood in my doorway peeking, like Gladys Kravitz in Bewitched. I can’t tell if they took her out dead or alive. When the ambulance came for my husband, they brought his remains downstairs in a black zippered bag, but Marie’s stretcher looked white, so she may still be alive. They had told her three-and-a-half years, and it’s been three-and-a-half years. I wonder how they know such things.

I prayed in the doorway but felt like an idiot.

Psalm 88 Fits

I got to Psalm 88 in my Spanish Bible reading this morning.

Wow! Talk about a shoe that fits!

Here are just the first three verses:

1 O LORD God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee:

2 Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry;

3 For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave.

As usual, I made a wallpaper to go with it:

Llegue mi oración -- Salmo 88.2 -- Psalm 88:2

Swine Flu Update 2

OK, OK — so somebody decided to defer to the pork industry and call this ailment something else. CO2. 280Z. R2D2. H20. H1N1. Something! 🙄

Anyway, so I was in Sonora (northwest Mexico) for a few days last week and this.

Two of my traveling companions and I were struggling with varying illnesses of varying degrees.

Thankfully, none of us had symptoms that were strictly flu-like.

However, upon returning home, I learned that one of the missionaries we visited had come down with flu-like symptoms. The last I heard, thankfully, she’s doing better.

Thank you for your concerns and your prayers.

Pirates’ Prayer Petition

Well, will you?

A U.S. Navy destroyer arrived off Somalia on Thursday to apply pressure for the release of an American ship captain taken hostage in the first seizure of U.S. citizens by increasingly bold pirates.


The four gang members were holding the captain on the ship’s lifeboat and the crew were trying to negotiate his release.


“We are surrounded by warships and don’t have time to talk,” one of four pirates on the lifeboat told Reuters by satellite phone. “Please pray for us.”

OK, Christians — they asked for it!

Pray away!

Above all, love God!