Pray: Fathima Rifqa Bary

In a story headlined Christian girl begs state: Don’t let them kill me! WorldNetDaily is reporting:

A young Christian runaway in foster care awaits her hearing tomorrow when Florida authorities will decide whether she will be forced to return to her Muslim parents – whom she says will kill her for converting to Christianity.

Remember to pray for Fathima Rifqa Bary and the authorities deciding her fate (as it were).

Hey! You could even pray for her parents and siblings!

(And maybe I will as well.)

Update: Fathima Rifqa Bary

We start with the first paragraph of a post at Christianity Today’s blog:

Fathima Rifqa Bary’s story is quickly circulating on blogs and Christian media as proof of Islam’s violent roots and the cost of following Christ. While the latter is true no matter who’s doing the following, the former is disputable in the case of the Ohio teen who fled her home two weeks ago to meet up with Blake and Beverly Lorenz, Florida pastors she had met on Facebook.

If you want to read the full post, of course you’ll have to click the link above. (As I recall, the writer is not entirely sympathetic toward Rifqa.)

The above post is referenced over at Barth’s Notes:

A blog at Christianity Today sounds a note of caution over the case of Fathima Rifqa Bary, a Sir Lankan teenager living in Ohio who recently fled to Orlando claiming that her parents planned to kill her for converting to Christianity….

Frankly, I’ve been wondering about this whole deal, but not to the point of believing Rifqa is lying.

Whatever the case may be, this case raises (yet again) the issue of when the State may intervene in family affairs.

When??!! Did I just say that?

That accepts the premise that the State has such moral authority.

Better to substitute if for when.

If one of my children goes to CSD and says I’m being abusive, is that sufficient cause for the State to take all my children?

So, putting myself in Rifqa’s father’s shoes, well…never mind.

What do you have to say?

If the State comes for a conservative Anabaptist Mennonite’s children, that’s wrong?

But if the States takes a Muslim’s child, not only is that understandable, it’s also justifiable?

Oh, wait…here’s a piece from the Pakistan Daily:

A very disconcerting video is being shown by the Christan church. A minor Sri Lankan girl belonging to well to do parents has been kidnapped by a church in Ohio and being kept away from the legal guardians and parents of the girl. The family maintains that the girls was into drugs, promiscuous behaviour and raunchy messages on facebook. She was discussing sex with multiple older married men. When the parents tried to control her behaviour she refused to do so. On her return to the home she conjured up a story of conversion to Christianity. There are serious accusations against the church on holding a minor girl in custody against the will of her guardians and parents. How many more girls will the church kidnap?

Media reports indicate that the Muslim father denies his daughter’s charge that he plans to take her life in an “honor killing” because of her conversion to Christianity. And certainly he could have no intention of committing such a heinous act.


Now what shall we believe?!

Missing: Lindsey Baum

Lindsey Baum
Lindsey Baum

Police say Lindsey Baum, 11, of the small town of McCleary, with a population of fewer than 2,000 people, vanished the night of June 26 while walking home from a friend’s house just four blocks away.

More than 100 searchers have used dogs, horses and helicopters seeking any trace of Lindsey, but investigators says they have little to go on, and they’re appealing to the public for help.

Lindsey’s father, Scott Baum, made an emotional appeal to anyone knowing her whereabouts, saying, “Please bring me my daughter home before I have to leave” for Iraq.

Source: CBS News

Another news item: Missing McCleary girl’s mom heading to NY

Fathima Rifqa Bary: Endangered?

First, from yesterday’s Miami Herald:

An Orlando judge on Monday ordered the 17-year-old woman into the custody of the Department of Children and Families until another hearing next week.

The teenager, who is not a U.S. citizen, says she fears her family would hurt her, kill her or send her back to her native Sri Lanka. Her parents live in Franklin County, Ohio.

The teenager took a bus from Ohio to Orlando. She has been staying with a family she met through a Christian prayer group on Facebook.

And now from this morning’s Examiner:

Rifqa claims her father repeatedly threatened to kill her for abandoning her Muslim upbringing, so the teen fled to Florida to stay with Pastors Blake and Beverly Lorenz of Global Revolution Church in Orlando, whom she had met on Facebook. The Lorenz’s sought the advice of attorneys and alerted authorities that the missing girl was in Florida.

The girl’s father, Mohamed Bary, has denied the allegations and traveled to Florida to bring his daughter home. However, the Florida DCF wants to be sure the girl is safe before sending her back to Ohio, who likely has jurisdiction in the case.

WFTV in Orlando, FL reports that DCF attorney Karelene Cole-Palmer has said, “There are too many conflicting things that are going on with this child and it needs to be investigated thoroughly.”

But for now, the girl will remain in the custody of the Florida Department of Children and Families until her next hearing on August 21.

PS: I’m a slow dial-up connection. Is that an objectionable video?

Found: Fathima Rifqa Bary

She’s been found safe!

Missing Teen Found Safe

Nearly three weeks after she was reported missing, a 16-year-old girl was found safe in Florida, police said on Friday.

Fathima Rifqa Bary, of New Albany, was last seen on July 19.

According to police, Bary’s friends told detectives that it was possible she ran away because of conflicting religious beliefs in her home.

I’m glad to learn she is safe.

I hope she continues safe…in every way.

Arrangements were being made for her return to central Ohio.

I know the media seems to have a knack for getting some of these stories out of whack. So maybe she comes from a truly loving home. And maybe her disappearance has nothing to do with tensions between a Christian teenager and Muslim parents.

Even so, it’s difficult not to think of cases such as that of Sarah and Amina Yaser Said.

May God be near her.

Missing: Fathima Rifqa Bary

Fathima Rifqa Bary
Fathima Rifqa Bary

First, from the The Jawa Report:

Girl Who Converts to Christianity Goes Missing in Ohio

I’m not sure I have all the fact in the Fathima Rifqa Bary case. Here’s some of the info I’ve read and have been told about.

The 16 year old girl lives in a Muslim household, but recently made some professions that she was converting to Christianity.

She was last seen on July 19th. Her facebook account has been closed and her cell phone deactivated. Her friends are worried and claim this isn’t like her.

There is a missing persons report out on her, so I’m assuming that it was the family that filed the report.

There may be nothing in this related to her recent alleged conversion to Christianity. She could be just a kid that ran away from home for the normal reasons that kids run away from home. Or worse, the victim of an abduction.

Then this from 10TV News:

After Nearly 2 Weeks, New Albany Teen Still Missing

Police on Friday were still looking for information about a central Ohio teenager who vanished nearly two weeks ago.

Investigators said there is no evidence that Fathima Rifqa Bary, 16, is a victim of foul play, but they could not rule out that she is not in danger, 10TV’s Maureen Kocot reported.


Investigators said Bary is affiliated with two central Ohio churches: one on Cleveland Avenue and the other near the Ohio State University campus.


Anyone with information about the case was asked to call Columbus police at 614-645-4545.

Prayer Request: Fathima Rifqa Bary

Above all, love God!