At Our Side Porch

We don’t use our front porch or our back porch as ports of entry.

Our side porch faces our garage, our outside parking, and our chicken house. So we use it.

If you stand at the north side, here’s what you might see:

from our place toward Woodburn
looking northwest, kinda toward Woodburn

And at the south corner you might still find these:

Fuschias at Mark's place
Fuschias: looking fake; being real

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Yesterday in Our Yard

So I was outside Saturday. Several times, even.

And I had my trusty-but-old little camera with me — a Kodak EasyShare CX7330 with well over 20,000 shots on it.

What follow are a few photos I took in our front yard.

looking toward Mt. Angel

looking southwest across our garden plot toward Mt. Angel

two mushrooms in our front yard

same direction, but down lower

Slug-nibbled mushroom

Did you know slugs like mushrooms?

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Rip Van Markle

Good ole Rip Van Winkle dozed off…and overslept.

Well, I didn’t oversleep but I did go to sleep in my forties and awake in my fifties.


I guess I should find someone to pinch to see if I’m awake or still dreaming. (One of my transition dreams showed my Facebook account with 100 friend requests.)

Anyway, I went outside and took a self-portrait:

Mark Roth's fiftieth birthday dawns

Yeah. Click for a larger image. But I wanted you to see the small thumbnail…and tell me if there’s a sign in the sky for me. (No, no, no! I’m not turning mystical or contemplative or any such thing!!)

I thought it an interesting atmospheric display.

Horsetail Falls, Oregon

Via I-84 via old Columbia River Hwy via Crown Point Vista House

We — all 18 of us — were there yesterday for our annual James & Noreen Roth family outing.

Horsetail Falls is upriver two-and-half miles or so from the more-famous Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.

We didn’t go directly there, of course. We took Exit 22 off I-84 East to the old Columbia River Highway (Hwy 30) and stopped first at the Crown Point Vista House. What a structure! And what a view!

From there we went to Multnomah Falls to see it (of course) and to hike up to the bridge. Two of us (namely, Russell and Andrew) hastily chugged up to the top of the falls. Before they got back, most of the rest of us backtracked a quarter mile of so to Wahkeena Falls to set up our picnic lunch. Then we drove on — roughly 2.5 miles to Oneonta Gorge where we walked through the old tunnel as well as down by a creek a bit.

Another half mile or so of driving got us to Horsetail Falls.

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Your Stuff on Facebook

So you have a Facebook account.

What rights do you have regarding what you post (comments, photos, and such)?

I don’t know.

But according to what this fellow found in their terms of use…

…putting any of your work up on Facebook you are giving them carte blanche to use your photos, artwork or writings for anything they want including, advertising, promotion etc…

So they’re excluded from any copyright protections, eh?

In my view, chalk up another negative in the Facebook column.

HT: Dunker Journal

Mexico: Check Out This View!

Or at least check out these view “establishers.”

My wife Ruby and I were in Guaymas Valley (Mexico) again; this time, the last part of June. And we stayed with Margaret Miller again. (Did I already tell you that in an earlier post?)

For breaks and entertainment, I experimented with various “frames” for some pictures.

southern view out the outhouse

looking east now, the length of the back porch

vertical view out of a jug
(me looking into a homemade clothespin holder/hanger)

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Above all, love God!