Get Well Soon

A yellow apple, a yellow rose, and an impulse heeded

My sister is an English-Spanish-English (or is it the other way around?) interpreter at Silverton Hospital.

I heard she was feeling ill on the job today. (OK, OK; I read it on Facebook, but that’s a mere technicality.)

A short while later, upon gazing out the window, I noticed again the lone yellow rose perched atop its bush.

On an impulse, I grabbed a piece of paper, an apple slice, a red marker, and… Read it all

Amazon $100 Less Than Frys

Save $100 on Canon PowerShot digital cameras at Amazon

I got my weekly (or is it more often than that) sales email from Frys. It has an enticing item or three! But I naturally got curious about Amazon’s prices for the same items.

  • Canon PowerShot SX160 IS 16MP Digital Camera
  • WD Elements 3 TB USB 2.0 Desktop External Hard Drive
  • Patriot Xporter Pulse 32GB USB Flash Drive
  • Canon PowerShot SX500 IS 16MP Digital Camera

Of those, two items were $100 less on Amazon!

Canon PowerShot SX160 IS 16MP Digital Camera

Canon PowerShot SX160 on Amazon
$179.99 + free shipping

Frys = $199.99 + free shipping 🙁

So on this item, Amazon beats Frys’ sale price . . . easily. Read it all

Dead Mouse Died Mysterious Death

Yesterday morning, before anyone else was up, I stepped into our closed, attached garage and saw a puzzling scene.

A dead mouse lay on the floor. Weird.

I stepped over to where I could see the trap I’d set the night before. It was sprung and empty. Weird.

We have no critter poison available for public consumption in the garage. (Not for non-public consumption, either).

We have no interested-in-killing-mice-but-not-eating-them cat. (No cat at all, for that matter.)

I didn’t tinker with the scene at all, not in real life, not on my computer, not on any digital device.

So what’s the explanation for this?

Dead mouse not in sprung trap
See the upside down sprung trap in the “alley”?

I don’t know what happened.

What’s your theory?

Above all, love God!